Careers & Personal Development at Cleethorpes Academy is not just a single subject. The Curriculum Area covers PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education), Careers and many aspects of Work Related Learning in addition to Citizenship under this single title.
Students in KS3 have 2 periods a week, being taught by a core of dedicated CPD teachers. In KS4, this content is delivered with a blend of assemblies, tutor time and enrichment activities.
CPD gives students the skills and attitudes to lead successful lives at The Academy and beyond.
Within the CPD Curriculum Area students will have the opportunity to study three main elements; Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education, Citizenship and Vocational Education.
CPSHE is a compulsory subject in Key Stages 3 and 4, however, opportunities are available through other subjects and activities across the school to assist in meeting the aims and objectives of CPD, Citizenship and PSHE Education. Citizenship and PSHE Education incorporates the national curriculum framework for Personal, Social and Health and Economic Education, and makes a large contribution to delivery of the National Curriculum statutory order for Citizenship and Work Related Learning with many aspects of Enterprise.
There is currently one classroom designated to the curriculum situated in block three. The classroom is equipped with a projector.
Other classrooms are utilised throughout the Academy along with computer rooms with full internet access and printing facilities, therefore, allowing direct integration into the day to day processes required for the modern curriculum.
The curriculum has a centralised bank of multimedia resources as well as general teaching resources to allow lessons to be fully interactive for the student.
We have an office to allow for one to one meetings. This is allocated to careers advice and guidance when required.
The curriculum area also has a number of teambuilding resources such as; SRE resources and drug awareness teaching aids.
Key Stage 3
The programmes of study for the Curriculum Area focus on elements from the four interrelated strands of personal development, health and safety, relationships and becoming an active citizen. Timing and content are appropriate for the student's needs and priorities in each year. Sex and Relationship Education, Drugs Education (these are covered in Year 9), Healthy Lifestyle and Inter Personal Skills are central to this Key Stage. Students in Year 8 are also supported with their options leading into Year 9.
Key Stage 4
As well as continuing and developing the areas introduced in KS3 a further element of the Curriculum Area is preparation for examination in Key Stage 4.
In Year 11 students are given assistance and guidance in researching and choosing post 16 options suitable for them from all possible choices.
Year 11 students are guided through the procedure for applications Post 16 and are given information on all options at all institutions to allow them to make informed choices about their future. Student are encouraged to visit all open days and careers events available to them and to use the Lincs2 website that has been designed for use within the local area. We endeavour to give all students a one to one interview to aid them in these important decisions and a private interview room is available to accommodate this.
As part of our Year 9 Personal and Social Education program we deliver a series of sessions on Relationships and Sex Education. These lessons follow government guidelines and the topics included in this programme are:-
These topics will be dealt with in terms of choices, options and responsibilities. The lessons will be delivered in a sensitive manner in the context of the family, and a loving caring relationship.
All students in Year 9 participate in these classes unless a written request from a parent/guardian asking for their child is to be withdrawn from the lessons.
In addition to the taught programmes the Curriculum Area offers a variety of activities and opportunities for the students.
Duke of Edinburgh - every year we arrange for a speaker from the DofE service to come in to Cleethorpes Academy and talk to every student in Year 9. This is done during a CPD lesson in their class to allow for a less formal presentation were the students will feel comfortable asking questions.
Lifestyle - this is a community-based project run by Humberside Police aimed at students using their time during the Summer Holiday. The Curriculum Area arranges for the local Community officer to attend House assemblies to promote this competition. Following on from this in the autumn term we also arrange for a special assembly when Humberside Police will attend Cleethorpes Academy to give out certificates and prizes to the students who participated in this activity.
Shine – this is a programme led by York University aimed at increasing participation in Higher Education. Students from all years are involved and undertake visits to York University participating on workshops and events. Year 11 students have the opportunity to participate in a residential visit.
Career Fairs - we work hard to promote careers fairs available locally and to arrange for employers to visit the Academy.
Education through Theatre and Outside Speakers - when possible we take the opportunity to invite these providers into Cleethorpes Academy. Recent examples of these have been for Humberside Fire and Rescue, Aim Higher Electric Graffiti, and No to Knife Crime. The feedback we receive from students is always positive.