Welcome to the Modern Languages Curriculum Area at Cleethorpes Academy!
Studying MFL at Cleethorpes Academy helps our students to develop the cultural knowledge and linguistic competences to one day be able to compete in the international arena.
Students can study Spanish to GCSE level. All students study Spanish at KS3. We also cater for foreign nationals who can speak other languages such as Arabic, Russian, Polish, and Turkish. These students may have the opportunity to be entered for GCSE in that subject. This is a fantastic opportunity to have an additional GCSE.
Please explore these pages to find out more about what we offer.
We pride ourselves in the Modern Languages department on our ethos of achievement and enjoyment. Through hard work and dedication, we aim to:
During their Modern Languages studies, students develop their four linguistic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in a variety of context and topic areas in order to prepare them for language use in the global community.
We cater for a range of different learning styles in the department and there is scope for students' personal growth as learners as we encourage independent study. Through active participation in lessons and in homework, students are able to develop their confidence and communication skills.
As well as linguistic skills, students will also gain key skills which can be applied to a variety of scenarios in real life such as time management and revision techniques. We also encourage thinking skills in our lessons which will help students with problem solving and logical reasoning; again, skills that can be applied to real life situations.
In Modern Languages, we also encourage knowledge and understanding of grammar in the target language and many linguistic terms are transferable and applicable to English which will help students to better understand their own language and improve literacy. Finally, we will promote and develop knowledge of different cultures and societies within lessons and through whole school activities such as Bastille Day, Hispanic Day and the French Breakfast Trip.
There are currently three language classrooms in the Curriculum Area, one of which is a language laboratory, equipped with twenty-seven computers and specialist language learning software (Sanako). This sort of technology enables the students to work on their speech and pronunciation as well as interacting on a one-on-one basis with the teacher and other students. All classrooms are equipped with digital projectors and are well furnished. In addition to all this, we provide the students with the latest edition textbooks and exercise books and we make full use of mini whiteboards and other resources.
In Key Stage 3, students study a language in all bands with band 5 students studying a second language as well. Students study a range of topics and language based upon the National Curriculum but with a focus on grammatical competence and understanding. Students are assessed formally 3 times a year through 3 skills (reading, listening and writing) and speaking is assessed in lessons. Students are also assessed regularly through classwork and compulsory written work in books.
In Key stage 4, students prepare for the New Edexcel GCSE qualification in Spanish through years 10 and 11. Students are assessed formally at the end of year 11 with exams in listening, reading, speaking and writing. An emphasis is placed upon clear communication of language and grammatical understanding. As this develops, we pursue linguistic competence and introduce the spoken exam more formally in preparation for the final exams in year 11.
Each skill area is worth 25% of the final grade and students are entered either for foundation or higher tier exams. Students may not mix foundation and higher together.
In addition, students with native languages such as Arabic, Polish, Turkish etc. may have the opportunity to be entered for GCSE in that subject dependent upon Exam board regulations. All languages count towards the English Baccalaureate Qualification.
In the Modern Languages Department, we endeavour to provide students with engaging and motivating opportunities for learning both inside and outside of the classroom. We offer the following opportunities:
Key Stage 3 French Club, Portuguese Club and German Club
All of our Languages clubs run every week for Key Stage 3 students as part of our enrichment programme. The clubs offer students the opportunity to complete a range of activities which are designed to boost cultural understanding and enjoyment. The clubs offer students the opportunities to explore areas which interest them. This year students have completed research projects, looked at French and Spanish music and developed knowledge of film and literature. Language clubs also offer the opportunity for students to seek and access support for homework and for areas of the subject that they don't understand. There are a number of students who attend regularly and some who come on a more ad-hoc basis – either is fine with us!
European Day of Languages
In September, last year, we did flamenco dancing workshops for all our year 7 pupils. This was a fantastic opportunity for pupils to get immersed into the Spanish culture. This year, we plan to omplete treasure hunts around the academy. We also have a European Passport that pupils in year 7 will complete in lessons to raise awareness of the importance of speaking other languages.
Bastille Day Celebration
Every year we celebrate Bastille Day on or close to the 14th July as we aim to broaden students' knowledge and cultural understanding. We change the menus in the outdoors servery into French and the kitchen sells croissants and pain au chocolat.
Hispanic Day Celebration
In October, we are planning to celebrate the Hispanic Day across the academy. We will change the menus in the outdoor servery into Spanish and the canteen will serve some food from Spanish cuisine. We will organise a treasure hunt around the school for all the students at the Academy. This has proven to be a fun day in previous years, and it helped students to get to know more about the Spanish- speaking countries all around the world.
A GCSE in a Modern Language can open up a variety of opportunities for students in the future. A language will of course facilitate the opportunity to work and travel abroad in the future as well as opening up working opportunities in a variety of professions such as translation, teaching and international business.
Languages also combine well with other subjects to enable and facilitate further and higher education. There are a vast range of courses at University level which combine well with languages and many universities offer funding to enable students to travel and work abroad as part of their course.
A qualification in a language can also boost earning potential in any future careers as employers look to compete more on a global scale. Languages learning will help students to gain vital skills which are transferable and applicable to a range of careers such as communication and problem solving skills.