Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

SEN Information Report

Inclusivity and opportunity are fundamental to the ethos of Cleethorpes Academy. At Cleethorpes we believe that every child really does matter. We are proud of all of our students and our staff are committed to the holistic development of every young person in their care. All students at Cleethorpes Academy are provided with exceptionally high standards of teaching along with the best possible learning environments and educational resources that students, parents and the local community can be proud of. Our ambitious curriculum is designed to give all students, particularly those with SEND, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We are aspirational about all of our students' academic achievements.

The Academy is committed to the values of community. We recognize that parents and carers have a critical role to play in their children's education and firmly believe that developing a strong partnership with them will enable our students to fully achieve their potential. All members of our Academy community, including the governing body, are committed to supporting all students to develop responsibility for their learning, ensuring that they continue to be challenged and stimulated by their learning and enjoy their time at the Academy. Our collective aim is to ensure that all students with SEND have access to all aspects of the Academy through the right support and opportunities.

This report publishes information about the implementation of the Academy's policy for pupils with SEND. The information published in this report will be updated annually and any changes to the information occurring during each year will be updated as soon as possible. The report includes the information required in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

Key Information

SENCO contact details: Miss Louise Ciechanowski,, 01472 582310

Academy SEND Policy: Cleethorpes Academy SEN Policy

Contact details of support services for parents of students with SEN: SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service) is freely available in North East Lincolnshire for any parent/carer with a child who has a SEN need, who require advice or support.

The local authority local offer:
North East Lincolnshire Authority's local offer is published here:

The kinds of special educational needs that are provided for

Cleethorpes Academy is a mainstream secondary academy which prides itself on its inclusive nature and currently supports students with a range of needs from the four broad categories of need:

Communication and interaction

For example, where students have speech, language and communication difficulties which make it difficult for them to make sense of language or to understand how to communicate effectively and appropriately with others. This can include: Speech and Language and Communication Needs, Developmental Language Delay and Autism Spectrum Conditions.

Cognition and learning

For example, where students may need more time to learn than others their age, have difficulties in understanding their learning and/or organisation and memory skills, or have a specific difficulty affecting one particular part of their learning such as in literacy or numeracy. This can include: Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.

Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH)

For example, where students have difficulty in managing their relationships with other people, are withdrawn, or behave in ways that may hinder their and other children's learning and/or that have an impact on their health and wellbeing. This can include: mental health difficulties (anxiety, depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) and Attachment Disorder (AD).

Sensory and/or physical needs

For example, children and young people with visual and/or hearing impairments, or a physical need that can give rise to difficulties in accessing learning without appropriate support and equipment. This can include: Vision Impairment (VI), Hearing Impairment (HI), Multi-Sensory Impairment and Physical Disability (PD).

We understand that some students in the Academy may have SEN that covers more than one of these areas and have experience in supporting students with a range of needs.

The Academy is particularly aware of the vulnerability of students who are Looked After and have SEN. The SENCO is also the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children and has regular meetings, alongside the relevant virtual schools, social workers, carers and or parents and students, to review the arrangements for these students.

Policies for identifying children and young people with SEN and assessing their needs, including the name and contact details of the SENCO (mainstream schools)

There are a number of ways in which students with SEN needs are identified in the Academy.

All students who attend Cleethorpes Academy are assessed on entry to the Academy to determine their current skills and levels of attainment, including standardised baseline assessments in reading, spelling, maths and English. We will also use information from previous settings and key stages where appropriate including KS2 results. This information will be used to identify any potential learning needs on entry.

If a student's needs have already been identified by their primary or previous school on transfer, liaison will be made with any appropriate agencies and the previous school to ensure that any relevant information is passed across.

Classroom teachers and teaching assistants work closely with students and are well-placed to identify potential needs. Regular assessments of progress are carried out in all subjects for all students, these allow subject teachers to identify pupils making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances. If a teacher or teaching assistant (TA) has concerns about a student, they carry out a referral to the Academy SENCO. The SENCO will work with the member of staff to record any concerns, actions taken prior to going on the SEN register, and strategies adopted in lessons as part of early SEN intervention. Staff may also make referrals for exam considerations. Parents are involved prior to placement on the SEN register so that all procedures can be explained, and agreement reached regarding future support.

If parents/carers feel that their child has additional needs that the Academy is not aware of, it is advised that the Academy SENCO is contacted as soon as possible so that the best course of action can be decided together. Students may also identify themselves as potentially having SEN needs. Where this is the case, the student will be supported to speak to the Academy SENCO and parents will be contacted as above. Referrals may also come from other agencies or professionals supporting a family or student.

Concerns may be identified about areas other than attainment, for example, social skills. Please note that slow progress and low attainment do not automatically mean that a student is placed on the SEN register. When a referral has been made to the SENCO by a member of staff, parent / carer or student, the SENCO will decide what further information is required. In most cases, the Academy will then collect information about the student from all of their teachers through a progress report. The information collated will be considered by the SENCO and Head of House. Feedback will be given to parents and the student and the next steps will be discussed. If a more formal assessment is required, parents / carers will be contacted directly and the SENCO will make any referrals necessary.

Cleethorpes Academy takes a whole Academy approach to SEN. All teachers are responsible for every student in their care. Quality first teaching and additional interventions are part of a whole Academy dialogue which contributes to our approach to provision management. We regularly review and record what we offer each student. These conversations also help to embed our high expectations among staff about quality first teaching and the application of a differentiated and personalised approach to teaching and learning.

Special educational provision in the Academy is implemented and regularly reviewed using the “Graduated Approach” which is made up of cycles of “assess, plan, do, review”.


The Academy will carry out a clear analysis of the student's needs based on:

  • The views of the child and their parents / carers
  • Their teachers' assessments and observations
  • The student's current attainment
  • The student's previous progress and attainment
  • Tracking of progress and comparisons with national data
  • Information and assessments by external agencies if appropriate.

The class/subject teachers and SENCO should clearly analyse a pupil's needs before identifying him/her as needing SEND support. This will be discussed with the parents and the student. Students may be placed on a Monitor list whilst this assessment and analysis is taking place. At this stage, initial information will be shared with staff and parents regarding concerns and possible support strategies. If a student continues to not make expected progress with high quality teaching then the decision will be made to formally add the child to the school's Special Educational Needs Register. This will be discussed and agreed with the parent or carer who will also be notified in writing.


Following assessment, the teacher, SENCO, parent / carers and student, will agree on a plan of action to include:

  • Time limited outcomes for the pupil
  • The adjustments, support and interventions to be put in place
  • A date for review.

All planning must be child-centred and the outcomes must be focussed and recorded. A one-page profile maybe created to set out the support for the student. This will be co-created by the student and a named member of staff and shared with parents/carers.


All of the student's teachers and support staff are made aware of the plan and put in place the adjustments, support and interventions.  The class/subject teacher remains responsible for working with the pupil on a daily basis. Pupils may also receive additional interventions outside the main curriculum, but the focus should be on integrating all pupils and continuing to use high-quality, differentiated teaching. Teachers are responsible for:

  • Differentiating and personalising the curriculum
  • The delivery of ‘additional and different' provision for a pupil with SEN
  • The planning, support and impact measurement of all group and one-to-one interventions, these may be delivered by support staff
  • Linking interventions to classroom teaching

The SENCO supports teachers in the effective implementation of provision including any planned individual or small group interventions.


The class/subject teacher and SENCO should review the effectiveness of the support regularly and agree any changes where needed. The quality, effectiveness and impact of provision (including any interventions) is evaluated by the agreed review date. This includes sharing information with the student and their parent/carers and seeking their views.

The cycle then starts again at assess. The updated needs of the student are considered before planning a continuation of or change to provision. Parents will be given clear information about the impact of the support and interventions provided, enabling them to be involved in planning the next steps.

All teachers and support staff who work with the student will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. We will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the student's progress.

The SENCO and Principal will discuss any patterns in the identification of SEND, both within the Academy and in comparison, with national data, and use these to evaluate the quality of teaching. The identification of SEN is built into the whole school approach on assessment.

Arrangements for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their child's education

Parents are involved prior to placement on the SEN register so that all procedures can be explained, and agreement reached regarding future support. A letter is sent out confirming this action. Parents are then updated on their child's progress, through normal Academy reporting procedures and additional SENCO contact (where appropriate).

Parents/carers will be informed of their child's progress three times a year. Parents will receive three reports a year and have the opportunity to attend parents' evening. At each assessment point, the SENCO will review the progress of all pupils on the SEN support register. Following each of these, parents may be invited to meetings where support is planned and reviewed by parents, the SENCO and the pupil using feedback from subject teachers and teaching assistants. In addition to this, the SENCO or Head of House will make contact with parents/carers to let them know of any issues that occur during the Academy week. For day to day queries, the pupil planner is used to communicate with subject teachers and the tutor. However, the SENCO and Head of House are always available to talk to parents/carers. We can give advice over the telephone or in person or put parents/carers in touch with any outside agencies that may be able to support them.

An Annual Review is carried out in the Academy for all students with EHC plans.

The Academy positively encourages parents/carers of students with SEN to participate in all parent forums, discussions and consultations. Parent/Carer views are also gathered through questionnaires during parents' evenings and are considered when drawing up policies and procedures. The SENCO is available at all parents' evenings. Parents are represented on the Academy governing body.

Arrangements for consulting young people with SEN and involving them in their education

Students' views are taken into account through questionnaires and the House Council system. Students are always given the opportunity to discuss their progress or any other concerns they may have with their teachers, pastoral staff and support staff. The SENCO and the Heads of House have an open-door policy for our students. We aim to respond immediately to their concerns and to try to positively resolve any concerns that they may have. We welcome and respond to student requests for support and keep them informed in any ongoing assessment or decisions.

Students with SEN are involved in the creation of the one-page profiles and their views are considered at every stage of the graduated approach. Young people with SEN are invited to all meetings regarding their needs and are encouraged to be involved in all decisions about their support and intervention. Written feedback (this may be scribed by a trusted adult) is sought from young people with EHC plans before all Annual Reviews. Students who have an EHC plan will have a named key worker in the Academy who will advocate for the young person where appropriate. Pupils with SEN are represented in the House and Academy councils as well as in the Student Leadership team. The Academy's annual Prizegiving includes awards which specifically reflect the achievements of students with SEN needs.

Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people's progress towards outcomes, including the opportunities available to work with parents and young people as part of this assessment and review

The progress of all students is continually monitored by teachers, tutors and Heads of House.

All pupils are assessed on entry. These, along with the results of Key Stage 2 tests and standardized reading and spelling tests are used to highlight where interventions may be needed. A new intake parents' evening is held for parents in Term 1 of Year 7 which the SENCO will attend. Parents of students on the SEN register will be invited to discuss strengths, targets and support. A one-page profile will be created with the student and shared with parents. The Academy routinely collects assessment data on all students and reports on this, three times a year. Parents/carers receive three reports a year and are invited to Parents' Evening. The SENCO reviews the progress of pupils on the SEN register at each assessment point and is available at Parents' Evening.

All pupils on the SEN register will be involved in discussion regarding their support and parents will be a key part of this process. For students with EHC plans, there will be regular meetings where support is planned and reviewed by parents, the SENCO and the student using written feedback from subject teachers and teaching assistants. The progress of students with an EHC Plan is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved with the child's education. In addition to this, the SEN team will make contact with parents/carers to let them know of any issues that occur during the Academy week.

Arrangements for supporting children and young people in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions, which could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society

Before students start at Cleethorpes Academy in Year 7, members of the SEN and pastoral teams visit all primary feeder schools to gather information to enable us to plan to meet the needs of all students on entry. All new Year 7's are invited to attend the Academy for two taster days at the end of Year 6. Prior to these days, students who are identified as needing additional support with transition attend the Academy as part of a more personalised package of tours and taster sessions.

Cleethorpes Academy recognizes that students' ambitions will vary according to their individual circumstances and may also change as they get older. The Academy has an ambitious curriculum that is designed to give all students, particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEN) the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and to help all students to build knowledge and skills for future learning and employment. We have the same academic, technical or vocational ambitions for all students. All students study the full curriculum and the Academy ensures this by teaching a full range of subjects for as long as possible, ‘specialising' only when necessary at Key Stage 4.

To help to prepare for adulthood, the Academy supports all students, including those with SEN, to prepare for:

  • higher education and/or employment – this includes exploring different employment options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported employment agencies;
  • independent living – this means young people having choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have, their accommodation and living arrangements, including supported living;
  • participating in society, including having friends and supportive relationships, and participating in, and contributing to, the local community;
  • being as healthy as possible in adult life.

Where appropriate, the Academy will work with other agencies, including: employment services; businesses; housing agencies; disability organizations and arts and sports groups, to help raise awareness of what is available to students as they get older and what it is possible for them to achieve. The Academy believes that it can be particularly powerful to meet disabled adults who are successful in their work or who have made a significant contribution to their community and plans activities and speakers accordingly.

Independent careers advice is provided to all students in Years 8 to 11 and particular consideration is given to additional guidance for students with identified SEN needs. For students with EHC plans, preparation for adult life is an explicit element of their planning and support, focusing on what they want to achieve and the best way to support them to achieve, including considering the right Post-16 options.

Students receive support with completing college applications and, if required, a member of the Academy staff can also attend college interviews to support the process. The Academy makes contact with Post-16 providers in the spring/summer term of Year 11 to make sure that all relevant information is discussed and, where appropriate, that any additional transition activity is planned. Where appropriate, particularly where a student has an EHC plan, this contact will be made earlier, in line with the Annual Review process.

Regular reviews for pupils on the SEN register allow us to evaluate the current provision for each student and make the necessary changes to support.

The approach to teaching children and young people with SEN

All students in the Academy experience high quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation. Students with SEN are monitored carefully and teachers will differentiate work, where appropriate. Teaching assistants will support teachers and pupils by working with individuals or groups of students, helping to prepare resources and adapting materials and delivering specific booster teaching programmes. All students have full access to the curriculum and there is a range of interventions available which will be used to close gaps in learning and to support skills development.

Pupils who have an EHC plan will have a named key worker in the academy in addition to the usual pastoral and SEN support arrangements. Where appropriate, outside agencies are involved in providing further advice and support to meet the pupils' needs.

Specific SEN provision will depend on each student's needs – a summary of the current provision for students in the Academy within each of the 4 broad areas of need can be found below.

Support available to all students whatever their SEN:

  • Quality first teaching with appropriate differentiation
  • Access to homework support clubs and lunch clubs
  • Access to the SENCO

Support available to students with communication and interaction needs:

All students can access:

  • Visual aids to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
  • Access to homework support clubs
  • Planned opportunities within the Citizenship programmes which focus on communication skills

Targeted group support may include:

  • Opportunities to participate in inclusive Sports events
  • Specific small group intervention programmes
  • Enhanced KS2 to KS3 transition support
  • In-class Teaching Assistant support in some lessons

Targeted individual support may include:

  • Access to assessment for identification of significant needs
  • 1:1 intervention addressing specific needs
  • Specialist teacher assessment and support as appropriate
  • In-class Teaching Assistant support in some lessons
  • Exam access arrangements.

Support available to students learning needs:

All students can access:

  • Visual aids and key word lists to support key vocabulary, concepts and themes
  • Access to homework support clubs with support from a Teaching Assistant
  • Post-16 Transition support.

Targeted group support may include:

  • Timetabled Reading Tutorial sessions
  • Small group English and Maths “catch up” sessions with a qualified specialist teacher
  • Teaching Assistant support in some lessons
  • Targeted lunch time clubs

How adaptations are made to the curriculum and the learning environment of children and young people with SEN

All students have full access to the Academy's ambitious curriculum. Teachers will differentiate class and homework to ensure that all students' needs are met and select and use appropriate resources and strategies to do this. Teaching assistants work with individuals and groups of students to support students' learning across the classroom. The Academy teaches students across the full ability range with levels on entry (at Year 7) ranging from those who are working below the National Curriculum to students who are consistently working at Greater Depth at Key Stage 2. At Key Stage 3, all students follow a broad and balanced curriculum. The timetable is adjusted by band to meet the needs of different groups of students. Students in C and S band receive additional targeted reading tutorial sessions to support literacy development. Students in M and H band receive additional languages and / or humanities periods where there is a focus on stretch and challenge. In Year 9, pupils make choices about their Key Stage 4 options. These options include a range of academic GCSE and vocational BTEC choices. Students receive guidance in making their option choices and a small number of students study one less option and instead have personalised targeted intervention time. All students are supported to make choices which maintain a broad and balanced curriculum.

The expertise and training of staff to support children and young people with SEN, including how specialist expertise will be secured

Cleethorpes Academy has a SENCO who holds a PGCE in SEN.

Within the Academy, all teachers and teaching assistants follow an ongoing programme of professional development which includes training relevant to each of the four broad areas of need. INSET days include SEN. The Academy works with the Educational Psychologist and other agencies to offer high quality training to all staff which supports students with SEN. SEN training is a key part of induction for teacher trainees and Early Career Teachers. Banks of additional resources to support staff understanding of SEN and to increase knowledge are maintained on the Academy system. All Academy internal reviews include a focus on SEN data and practice. The Academy invests in training for the team of teaching assistants. Teaching assistants are included in whole staff training events and INSET days.

The Academy has Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with a team of Educational Psychologists, a Health and Wellbeing Practitioner, specialist teachers, and a counselling service who are available to support students as required.

Cleethorpes Academy uses specialist teachers from North East Lincolnshire who carry out specialist assessments and suggest strategies to support intervention work with pupils, particularly those with specific learning difficulties. Students can be referred by the SENCO to be supported by the Educational Psychologist, Academy counsellor or therapist (Fortis). This support is accessed in the Academy. Where appropriate, we seek advice from external agencies.

Cleethorpes Academy is proud of the range and impact of interventions that are on offer in- house. These include Maths and English tutoring, Literacy and Numeracy support, Lexia, Toe-by-Toe, spelling programmes, social skills interventions, behaviour support and 1:1 mentoring amongst others. Nurture groups and clubs are offered at break and lunchtimes to pupils who may need additional support during more unstructured times.

Evaluating the effectiveness of the provision made for children and young people with SEN

Regular, systematic monitoring and evaluation is a key part of ensuring effective SEN provision at Cleethorpes Academy. This can be seen in different ways across the Academy including:

  • Planned learning walks with a SEN focus
  • Observation by the SENCO of key groups
  • Routine analysis of the attainment and progress of students with SEN at each assessment point and at the end of each year which is shared with the local governing body
  • Tracking of SEN outcomes including post-16 destinations data
  • Work scrutiny and teacher planner checks with a focus on SEN
  • Capturing the views of students and parents / carers
  • Regular checking of the SEN register and monitor list including reviewing procedures for identification and assessment of and provision for students with SEN
  • Internal and external reviews of SEN including the use of external consultants
  • Participation in a MAT-wide SENCO group.

The effectiveness of provision, including any intervention, for individual students with SEN, especially those with EHC plans, is evaluated on an individual basis with parents and the young person at regular reviews.

How children and young people with SEN are enabled to engage in activities available with children and young people in the school who do not have SEN

All students at Cleethorpes Academy are encouraged to engage in enrichment and extracurricular activities including educational visits. Parents/carers are always fully informed of any excursions or residential visits and permission is sought where necessary. Where it is felt that a pupil may need additional support to access an activity or trip, this is detailed in the risk assessment and additional staff will be allocated. During all enrichment activities, there are many steps taken to ensure that pupils are supported including appropriate differentiation and increased staffing. Students who need additional support in preparing for changes to the Academy day are considered and where possible, this is planned and structured, for example, before Sports Day or Prize Giving.

The Academy actively monitors the participation of different groups of students, including those with SEN, in all activities including clubs and trips and will use targeted invitations and additional support to encourage participation. We have ensured that the House and Academy Councils and the Student Leadership Team are inclusive.

Support for improving emotional and social development. This should include extra pastoral support arrangements for listening to the views of children and young people with SEN and measures to prevent bullying

The safety and wellbeing of all pupils at Cleethorpes Academy is a priority. All staff are trained in the Academy Behaviour Policy and Safeguarding. A list of designated First Aiders is available from reception. Designated Senior Leaders are also trained in Safeguarding. The Academy has a trained Mental Health First Aider.

The Academy is comprised of three houses named after constellations Capella, Rigel and Sirius. Each house is made up of house groups which each have approximately 25 students. Each house group has a House Tutor. The houses and House Tutors are supported by three Heads of House. Each house acts as a family unit which gives continuity throughout each student's time at the Academy.

We treat all of our students as individuals and are proud of how we support their personal development needs. We expect our students to demonstrate respect for the Academy, for each other and for all members of staff. Although pastoral support is focussed through House Tutors and Heads of House, all members of staff provide effective care and support. Any member of staff can be approached for help and support by any student who has worries or concerns.

The Academy actively seeks the views of students and is committed to providing opportunities for student leadership; there are active House and Academy Councils. Student leadership opportunities are also provided through participation in the Sports Leaders scheme.

Supported lunch clubs are available to students in both key stages. Students are also able to access the services of a trained counsellor and therapist. There is a whole Academy focus on mental health and on building self-esteem and all staff are encouraged to carry out training in these areas.

All students access lessons in Careers and Personal Development which focus on emotional and social development, including safe relationships. Assemblies, visiting speakers and drop-down days and sessions develop and deepen this understanding. Our tutor periods following a structured programme of activities which include reflective character building activities.

A clear Behaviour Policy is in place which students and staff understand, key to this is are rewards which are used in all year groups to recognise achievements. Regular reward assemblies and an Annual Prize Giving enhance this. Students are given the opportunity to participate in a wide-range of extra-curricular activities and their achievements in and out of the Academy are celebrated.

How the school involves other bodies, including health and social care bodies, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations, in meeting children and young people's SEN and supporting their families

Where appropriate, we seek advice from external agencies and we currently work with amongst others the Specialist Advisory Service, YMM, School Nursing Team, Children's Services and Compass Go. We also have service level agreements for educational psychology, specialist teaching, counselling and therapy.

When required, this support is accessed directly by the Academy, or through the setting up of a multi-agency team, for example, a Team Around the Child.

Measures to prevent bullying

In line with our Anti-Bullying Policy, the act of bullying, either in or out of the Academy, will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of all (parents, staff - including non-teaching, and students) to report a bullying incident to any member of the teaching staff.

Cleethorpes Academy uses a range of strategies to prevent and reduce bullying, to raise awareness of bullying and to support victims and those displaying bullying behavior. This includes:

  • Regular and consistent promotion of the Academy's Behaviour Policy and Code of Conduct which emphasizes the shared responsibility that our students are expected to take and the need to always be “Respectful of Others”.
  • Regular application of this policy and training for staff on it. Staff follow a clear procedure when a case of bullying is reported, either verbal, physical or via electronic devices, and they must react to the situation as soon as possible.
  • Consistently encouraging students to report bullying – students have clear channels of communication with their House Tutor and Head of House and are made aware of where they can talk in confidence, regular assemblies on bullying reinforce this.
  • Good communication with parents and carers so that they commuicate unusual behaviour in their children, including looking for patterns of absence.
  • Providing information to all parents / carers on the symptoms of bullying and the steps to take if they suspect their child is being bullied.
  • Recording all bullying incidents and analyzing these records for patterns. An additional record is kept for Equality Related Incidents regarding disability, race, age, religion and sexual orientation.
  • An Academy policy of always challenging sexual content within verbal abuse, specifically homophobic and gender abuse/ discrimination.
  • The Senior Leadership Team is experienced in dealing with bullying incidents and will advise/support any member of staff who has to deal with any such incident.
  • Staff are alerted to signs of bullying within their classes or tutor groups so that more acute observation can take place.
  • Dealing quickly and firmly with incidents of bullying. When bullying is reported, the course of action chosen depends on the nature and severity of bullying. It may include interviews with the bully, victim and witnesses. There will be clear communication with the parents/carers of both the victim and the bully.
  • The use of restorative practice as appropriate.
  • Regular reviewing of supervision duties at break and lunch to position staff across the Academy site.
  • Consultation with the ‘Student Voice' on how to prevent bullying.
  • A no mobile phone policy.
  • The celebration of different cultures through assemblies and planned curriculum lessons.
  • Students learn about and discuss bullying in Careers and Personal Development lessons.
  • IT lessons teach about cyber bullying and how to safely use technology (including mobile phones, email, social media and the internet).
  • All work on the Academy network is screened, this includes screening for bullying activity, alerts are sent to the Principal and the Safeguarding Leads and, where appropriate, action will be taken and recorded.
  • Work with multi-agency teams including the police as appropriate.

Arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with SEN about the provision made at the school

The Academy recognises the importance of the partnership with parents/carers of students with SEN and aims to fully involve them in their child's educational provision. We find that most complaints can be resolved swiftly by a telephone conversation or meeting in the Academy and encourage you to contact he Academy should you have any concerns. The first point of contact for a parent to discuss general concerns would be the child's Head of House. If a parent is unhappy then the SENCO, or another member of the Senior Leadership Team would be available.

Parents who are still dissatisfied or who wish to make a formal complaint should put their concerns in writing to the Principal, please refer to the 'Complaints Policy'. Liaise is an independent service available to parents if they so wish. Details can be obtained from the Academy.