Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust
Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Year 10 GCSE Options


Key Stage 4 covers Year 10 and 11 and it is at this stage that Year 9 students can start deciding which subjects they require to further their aspirations. Whilst some courses are compulsory others are optional and thus selecting the subjects to study is known as 'Options'.

Choosing your option subjects is an important process as this forms the passport for entry to further and higher education as well as employment.

It is important you understand what each of the optional courses contain, how they are assessed and where they lead to in the future.

Useful websites:

Choosing your options

When making your option choices you need to find out as much information beforehand to ensure you are making the right choice. As well as exploring the website you can also talk to your Form tutor, Subject teachers, Careers and Guidance teachers, Parents and of course Employers.

Make sure you have watched the videos that are on this webpage and spoken to your subject teachers and parents before making your choices.

  • All students study English, English Literature, Maths, Science and core PE.
  • Personal Development and RE is delivered during tutorial.
  • You need to pick three options and a reserve option.
  • A reserve option is a subject you might be allocated if one of your chosen subjects doesn’t run. This maybe because not enough students have chosen the subject or if the course is oversubscribed.
  • During lessons week commencing 13th May 2024 you will discuss each subject and the GCSE course during lessons.
  • In your ICT lesson week commencing 20th May you will select your options and put them in the options system. After half term you will be given a sheet with your options on for parents to confirm your choices.
  • We do not operate a first come, first served process with options. It will be the Principals decision on who is accepted on course or whether it will run.

Do not make choices based on the following:

  • My friends have chosen it
  • I like my current Year 9 teacher
  • It sounds easy or 'different'
  • It sounds good / cool
  • My family member took it and liked it
  • It's new and I've never done it before

All students will study the CORE CURRICULUM, which is compulsory. The subjects that make up the core are:

  • English
  • English Literature
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Core PE

Subject Information

Please click on the subject title below to view a video to understand more about what the course has to offer.

Useful websites: